Shine Your Light

Abundant Healers Business Retreat

February 21st-28th 2025, Sayulita Mexico

A week-long business mastermind and complete life expansion to shift the trajectory of your healing business.

Join me in a powerful vortex of expansion energy for a week together in paradise to elevate your business, shift through your blocks and help you step into the embodiment of the powerful, abundant healer that you are!

This week is designed to be a life-changing, deep-dive expansion to take you to the next level in your business.

Are you ready to step into your highest timeline as a healer and spiritual business owner? Join me!



Join me for a 8-day Business Expansion retreat to take your healing business to the next level, shift the blocks that have been holding you back and elevate your business into a new era of abundance, ease and alignment.

It’s time to become the most powerful, abundant version of you.

"The experience was more beautiful, incredible and powerful than anything I could have imagined.

Rosie guided us far deeper than just working with sound bowls. I have come out of the training feeling connected, empowered, better able to express my authentic self"

Danielle Clough, UK. GLOW School of Sound Healing Graduate.

Shine Your Light Business Mastermind Retreat

If you’re a healer or spiritual business owner ready to take your business to the next level, fully step into the powerful healer that you are, learn strategtic tools, deep-dive into your business, shift the blocks that are holding you back, connect with a new community of empowered and inspiring like-minded souls, and spend a week together in the energy of abundance to catapult your business into the next level of expansion, I invite you to come and join me!

What’s Included:

  • 8 day / 7 night stay in a beautiful all-inclusive villa in Sayulita, Mexico.

  • All meals included on-site from our incredible private chef cooking vegetarian organic food.

  • Daily deep dive workshops and coaching sessions to shift the trajectory of your business.

  • Morning meditation and movement classes to shift your energy.

  • Daily evening ceremonies and powerful practices to connect you with your full potential and power.

  • Optional extra healing and coaching sessions.

  • Powerful 2/22 portal ceremony to connect you with your highest self and enter a new timeline of abundance and expansion!

    Accommodation is either a double bed in a shared room ($4444) or a king/queen bed in a solo occupancy room ($5555).

"I stepped out into the world as a new person.

I feel like I've really found who I am. I'm connected to my authenticity, how I show up in the world and I just feel really proud of the person that I am"

Dee Hatina. GLOW School of Sound Healing Graduate.

Meet your teacher

Hi, my name’s Rosie.

I started my journey into Sound Healing in 2020 when I decided to follow my dream of being a full time sound healer and sharing this incredible work with the world.

Since then, I have built a thriving business online and in my community in Sayulita, Mexico. I have:

  • Shared 1000+ soundbaths for clients all over the world.

  • .Held space for thousands of clients in healing sessions and soundbaths.

  • Scaled my Sound Healing business to multi-6 figures.

  • Trained dozens of new Sound Healers in my GLOW School of Sound Healing.

  • Held and taught at retreats and trainings across the world.

  • Shared sound healing with 100,000+ viewers online.

I believe that the more we help each other grow, the more we can share this healing work with the world and my mission is to empower you to step into this journey for yourself to help you heal what’s holding you back and create a life and work that truly lights you up.

I also have 10 years of social media marketing experience and originally trained as a singer before finding out I had a hole in my vocal cords that made me lose music from my life, until sound healing brought me back home to my purpose and helped me heal my voice (along with many other things!)


  • Powerful deep dive workshops and mastermind sessions focusing on different areas of your business to take your work to the next level.

  • 2/22 ceremony and abundance activation.

  • Energetic embodiment workshops to help you show up as the powerful healer that you are.

  • Mindset-shifting coaching sessions and EFT workshops.

  • Ecstatic dance ceremony to embody your higher self.

  • Cacao ceremony to connect with your unique voice.

  • Floating soundbath

  • Intuition workshop to connect more deeply with your purpose and unique business offerings.

  • Higher Self branding workshop including a professional photoshoot to capture your energy and essence as a healer and take your brand to the next level.

“This course was about so much more than just playing the crystal bowls. It helped me finally find my way home to myself.

Now I feel empowered, light, grounded & inspired to share this magic with others!”

Lizzie Schuurman, GLOW School of Sound Healing Graduate

A Typical Day

  • A daily morning practice combining movement, meditation and breath to help you nurture your energy for the day.

  • A delicious healthy breakfast made by our private chef.

  • A 2 hour session each day diving into different areas of your business - focuses will be tailored to the group and your intro questionnaire to design a schedule to maximise your growth and expansion.

  • A short daily meditation practice to help you experience the possibilities of sound and meditation.

  • A delicious nourishing lunch made by our private chef.

  • Free time each day for you to recharge and connect with each other and the magical energy of sayulita and our retreat space!

  • Item description
  • Daily evening sessions to help you shift your energy, expand your capacity and step into the powerful healer that you are!



Is there a payment plan available?

Yes. There is a 3 or 6 month payment plan available. You will pay a $1111 deposit upfront, followed by monthly payments (price dependent on your room type: EARLYBIRD PRICING UNTIL 8/8: Shared room $666 per month for 6 months / $1333 3 months. Private room: $888 for 6 months / $1777 3 months.). Please contact me for details and if you would like to discuss further options to make the retreat possible for you.

Is my travel included?

No, you will need to book your own travel to Puerto Vallarta airport to arrive on 21st February before 3pm. There will be an airport shuttle provided at 4pm to take you to the retreat. If you need assistance arranging alternative transport from the airport, please let me know. Once you are on the retreat, all your accommodation and meals are included in your investment.

Do I have to be a sound healer or have been a part of your other mentorships or trainings?

No! This mastermind is open to all types of healers, coaches, space holders and spiritual business owners who want to expand their business to the next level.

Do I need to have a business?

Yes, you need to have your business set up and running so that we can maximise your growth on this retreat. There is no minimum income you must be making to take part - as long as you have the basics set up and some offerings that you’re sharing with clients! Please contact me to see if this is a fit for you!

What is your refund policy?

The commitment to this training course has the potential to change your life and is a commitment and an investment into yourself. Your payment secures your place and helps me to invest in the running of this training, space rental, equipment and more. As such, I do not offer refunds unless in extenuating circumstances where I have to make unexpected changes or cancellations to the dates or running of this course that no longer work for your schedule. To view my full payment policy click here.

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