2024/2025 Retreats

Join me in magical Sayulita, Mexico for a retreat in paradise, in a luxury 5* retreat location nestled in the jungle next to the ocean!

Whether you want to become a sound healer, deepen your sound healing practice, expand your healing business, or simply spend a week relaxing and reconnecting back to yourself, my 2024/2025 retreat schedule has everything you need.

I can’t wait to welcome you for a week in paradise together!

Retreat Schedule

  • Sound Healing Training

    November 8th-15th 2024

    Step into your path as a sound healer with my signature 50 Hour Sound Healing Training Retreat to teach you everything you need to become a truly transformational, professionally certified Sound Healer.

  • Advanced Sound Healing

    May 11th - 18th 2025

    Deepen your practice as a Sound Healer with this advanced training certification designed to help you step even more fully into your path as a healer, elevate your work and deepen your abilities with sound.

  • Find your GLOW

    Januay 10th-17th 2024

    A week of healing, relaxation and pure bliss to help you start the year in the most aligned way! Relax, recharge and reconnect with yourself in thi week of healing practices and soul nourishment!

  • Abundant Healers Retreat

    February 21st-28th

    Are you ready to expand your healing business to the next level, step into your full power as a healer and create an abundant life doing what you love? Join me for this powerful business mastermind in paradise!

Sound Healing Training Retreats.

Learn to become a truly transformational, abundant Sound Healer with my GLOW School of Sound Healing Training Retreats.

My 50 Hour Sound Healing Training Retreat will teach you everything you need to know to become a sound healer... in paradise!

My Advanced Sound Healing Training Retreat will take your practice and connection with sound to a new level, deepening your skills and connecting you with a new community of powerful healers!

Shine Your Light Abundant Healers Business Mastermind Retreat

This is a powerful week of expansion and business acceleration designed to take your healing business to the next level. Imagine being surrounded by the energy of abundance and possibility for a week together masterminding your business, shifting your blocks, and opening up new pathways to abundance in your business….all while staying together in paradise with an inspirational community of powerful healers and leaders who are ready to shine!