Become an Affiliate

Want to collaborate with GLOW Crystal Bowls?

Fill out the form below to apply to join our incredible community of affiliates & stockists to share GLOW Crystal Bowls with your audience, help more people find their dream crystal bowls, and earn $$ while doing it!

What you’ll get:

✨ A personalised discount code for your customers to use so they save AND you earn for every sale you make!

✨ A discount to buy and stock your own bowls in-person

✨ A discount code + commission for our 50-hour Sound Healing Training Certification

✨ Be listed as a stockist on our website to expand your audience and help our customers find you in-person!

✨ Further collaboration and promotion opportunities to advertise your services to our global audience

✨ Be a part of the GLOW community of healers with potential opportunities, collaborations and clients shared through @rosieglow for any requests we receive in your area!