The Abundance Accelerator

6 Week Business Accelerator for Healers

Are you ready to really make things happen in your healing business and create the abundant life you dream of as a healer? This is for you!

Imagine what would happen if...

  • You felt confident and clear in your business and what you’re here to share with the world.

  • You trusted your business to not only support you financially, but create abundance doing what you love.

  • You were no longer held back by fear, overwhelm, procrastination and self-doubt.

  • You knew how to create abundance as a healer in a way that feels easy, flowy and almost too good to be true!

    My 6 week Abundance Accelerator for Healers is the journey designed to create huge shifts in your healing business and has the power to completely change your business trajectory in just 6 weeks!

This accelerator is designed to give you the roadmap for your healing business and propel you into the abundance you dream of.

The ultimate combination of business guidance, mindset work and accountability to create a complete strategic and energetic shift in how you run your healing business.

Use code ABUNDANCE to claim your spot for $888!

(Offer valid for 48 hours only - ends midnight PST 6th Sept)

Pay in full


2 monthly payments


What you’ll get:

6 weeks of accelerated growth to completely shift your business trajectory and propel you into an abundant life as a healer!

  • 6 x weekly calls to deep-dive into the strategy of creating your abundant healing business.

  • 1 x Opening Ceremony Call to get to know your new abundant healing community!

  • Group Chat with daily messages from me to inspire you and ignite your business journey, plus Q&A, action steps and accountability inbetween calls.

  • Weekly tools, practices and worksheets to help you break through your blocks and deepen your growth.

  • Clarity on your healing business and how you’re here to serve the world.

  • A fast-track to expansion and the opportunity to completely shift your business trajectory in just 6 weeks!

I’ve been there…

  • Knowing you have amazing work to share with the world, but feeling like no one sees it and wondering if your business will ever really work.

  • Feeling stressed about how to make enough money sharing your work and never feeling like you have financial stability as a healer.

  • Teaching tons of classes and giving sessions, but still feel like you’re barely making ends meet.

  • Seeing what others are doing and wondering why it feels so hard for you to create an abundant business as a healer.

  • Feeling confused about the direction of your business and what you want to create.

  • Wishing you knew how to reach more people and call in more clients.

  • Feeling like you’re only just getting by and wondering if you’ll ever make the abundance you really want and need from your business.

  • Deep down believing that maybe it’s just not possible for you to make good enough money from sharing your healing work.

What You’ll Get:

  • 6 x weekly calls to deep-dive into the strategy of creating your abundant healing business.

  • 1 x Opening Ceremony Call to get to know your new abundant healing community!

  • Group Chat with daily messages from me to inspire you and ignite your business journey, plus Q&A, action steps and accountability inbetween calls.

  • Weekly tools, practices and worksheets to help you break through your blocks and deepen your growth.

  • Clarity on your healing business and how you’re here to serve the world.

  • A fast-track to expansion and the opportunity to completely shift your business trajectory in just 6 weeks!

It’s possible for you to create a beautiful, abundant life as a healer sharing your gifts with the world and doing what you love.

I know, because I have walked this path and now I am here to show you the way.

If you’re ready to learn how to make your dreams a reality, create a powerful business from the ground up and set yourself up on the path to abundance as a healer, I invite you to join me.

Use code ABUNDANCE to claim your spot for $888!

Offer valid for 48 hours only. Ends 6th Sept.

Pay in full


2 monthly payments


Let me be the example…

Welcome! I’m Rosie.

4 years ago, I decided to go all in on my dreams and follow the call of my soul to become a sound healer and coach.

I had the vision of what I wanted to create, and I knew this was my soul’s calling, but no idea how I would get there!

4 years on, my business makes $50k+ per month with ease, I have shared 1000+ soundbaths, helped 3000+ clients all around the world transform their lives through my healing sessions and coaching programs, trained and mentored 100s of healers, and run my own luxury retreats and trainings.

My mission is to show you that it’s possible to create a beautiful, abundant life as a healer sharing your gifts with the world, and now I am here to show you the way.

It’s time for you to make the shift and go all in on your dreams!

Past Client Testimonials

Take the journey to abundance.

It’s time to create the abundant healing business you’ve been dreaming of.

Use code ABUNDANCE to claim your spot for $888!

Offer valid until midnight PST September 6th

Pay in full


2 monthly payments


This is not for you if:

  • You’re not ready to see big growth and results in your business.

  • You don’t want to show up and create a life as a healer that feels aligned, effortless and abundant.

  • You’re ok with staying where you’re at and not growing in your business.

  • You don’t want to step into your gifts and create a life doing what you love.

  • You’re not looking for guidance in how to make your dreams a reality!

This is for you if:

  • You’re just starting your healing business and want to set yourself up for success from the very beginning.

  • You’re already working as a healer, but not seeing the results you want and longing for things to shift so you can create an abundant life sharing your soul’s work.

  • You know there is MORE for you to be sharing with the world, and you want to unlock it!

  • You want to feel lit up by your work and life on a daily basis, and create abundance by doing what you love!

The Journey…

WEEK 1: Set up your business foundations - create your website, business blueprint, booking systems, and more.

WEEK 2: Break through your limitations and step into your power as a healer, get clarity on your message and share your authentic voice without fear

WEEK 3: Get crystal clear on your offers, how and who you are here to serve.

WEEK 4: Build a powerful brand that feels aligned with your unique energy, learn how to show up online and create consistent content that really speaks to your clients

WEEK 5: Become the embodiment of everything that you are here to share with the world, learn how to make your energy a magnet to attract your ideal clients

WEEK 6: Learn how to create the clear pathways in your customer journey so abundance can continue to flow to you with ease!



Course starts September 9th. You will receive news and updates prior to the start date as well as access to online materials to support you before our weekly calls begin!

When are the weekly calls?

Calls will be weekly, likely on Thursday at 10am Pacific Time. Call time and day will be confirmed closer to the start date, and arranged to benefit as many time zones as possible. I have students in Europe and the US and will arrange call times to fit us all!

I recommend to attend as many live calls as possible for maximum growth, however all calls will be recorded so you can watch the replay of any you can’t make it to live.

I haven’t started my business yet, can I join?

Yes! This accelerator is designed to accelerate your business growth and set you up for success right from the start of creating your healing business. This is the perfect way to get clear and get started.

I am already working as a healer, is this for me?

Yes! Even if you already have your business set up and are working as a healer, as long as you are looking for growth and the pathway to create abundance and success in your business, this is for you!

Do I have to be a sound healer?

No! I mentor anyone who is running a healing business or soul-led spiritual business, including coaches, mentors, breathwork facilitators, channellers, reiki practitioners and more!