Sound Healing is about more than just playing the Crystal Bowls….
There’s a big difference between being able to play a crystal bowl and being a TRULY transformational Sound Healer.
The truth is that becoming a sound healer is about SO MUCH MORE than simply learning how to play the crystal bowls… Anyone can learn how to play an instrument, just like anyone can learn the lyrics and notes of a song.
Being a Sound Healer is a lifestyle, a way of being, a journey to your authentic self, and a personal transformation first.
It’s also an energy that you cultivate.
Our Sound Healing trainings focus deeply on self-connection and self-resourcing as a core pillar. We know first-hand that your ability to take care of yourself and your own energy will highly influence your ability to hold space for clients and share your medicine with the world.
What creates a transformational, powerful, deep and meaningful sound healing session is SO much more than just creating beautiful sounds for people the listen to. It’s the same reason why the sounds of nature impact us so positively, or why our favourite songs ignite an emotional response in the body and bring us to tears or fits of laughter.
What exactly are we talking about?
Everything is energy. From the air we breathe, the food we eat and the body we live in. All things vibrate at different frequencies and it is these frequencies that help us to connect to each thing we experience in life. Including our own body! Have you ever used the term “that really resonated with me?” before? Well, it’s true! Our human bodies are literal hubs of different frequencies that we work with and tend to when playing the crystal bowls and other instruments.
It’s important to know this when working with Sound in a therapeutic setting. The vibrations of Sound Healing, specifically the Crystal Bowls, have a physical effect on the energies of those listening - therefore Sound is directly impacting the body, mind, and spirit.
The more self-aware you are, the better able to hold space you will be!
The more attuned to energy you are, especially your own energy, the more powerful your healing sessions will be.
Here are some elements of our training that we work on with our students:
✨ Your understanding of energy, and how your instruments work with energy, will directly impact your clients.
✨ Knowing how different sounds, notes and frequencies affect the energy field will help you facilitate powerful transformational sessions for both 1:1 clients and groups.
✨ Understanding the ancient Chakra energy system and what it governs in our physical body and emotions will help inform your healing sessions and clients' needs. Particularly if you are working with crystal bowls attuned to specific energy centres in the body.
✨Understanding how to read and work with other people’s energy, how to shift the energy of a person, a group, a space… will make, or break, a sound healer!
✨ Deeply knowing how to take care of, protect, cleanse and be aligned with your OWN energy (this one is HUGE!!).
Working with sound truly is working with energy. Once you fully understand this, you’ll find your healing practice will flow more effortlessly and you’ll be able to truly offer that which your clients need - and beyond!
Let’s go a little deeper.
You’ve probably noticed how every soundbath feels different? That’s because of the energy of the practitioner and how they hold the space. You could have two different practitioners with the same crystal bowls, playing the exact same harmonies and combinations, and each session will feel different to the listener. To add to that, we all receive sound differently based on our own life experiences. What may relax one person, may stimulate another. What may connect someone to the energy of unconditional love, may activate a healing grief portal in another.
Every single person is different.
You have to be flexible and adaptable to truly show up and serve as a Sound Healer. It’s not enough to just know how to play the bowls.
If you want to truly become a transformational sound healer, you need to start with energy.
It’s about learning how to get out of your own way so that you can fully show up safely for people and guide them along their own pathway to healing.
It’s understanding musicality and how to create a journey through emotion and energy with the harmonies you create.
It’s about knowing how to create shifts in your physical body through how you use frequency.It’s about working deeply with your OWN energy to be a clear channel for what needs to come through you.
It’s about opening your intuition and finding the confidence to share your own authentic energy and voice.
The GLOW Sound Healing Training 50-Hour Certification will help you not only learn how to work with sound healing but also become a truly transformational sound healer.
Our founder, Rosie Blake, has spent years diving deep into sound, energy and healing, learning the science of sound from expert researchers. She has worked with 3000+ clients to understand how to work with people’s energy. She brings her classical music training and voice artistry to help you open your voice and connect with instruments to create powerful, transformational sessions that truly help people to heal. Plus we place a lot of focus on helping you build a Sound Healing business that will support you for years to come.
Being a fully-qualified and transformational sound healer involves learning:
✨ Music theory, and how to create harmonies and intervals
✨ How to work with energy, create safe spaces, and play with intention
✨ The science behind WHY and HOW sound healing works on our physical and energetic bodies
✨ What are scales, octaves, and notes, and how you can effectively use them in your sessions
✨ When to work with harmonies vs dissonance
✨ How to tune into what your clients need, and how to take them on a meaningful journey